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New language. New culture. New house. New colleagues. New faces. New foods. New customs.

New chapter of life is starting for you.

New challenges.




Yes, we all know now that culture is eating leadership for breakfast, so the faster you start to understand the culture, the better you'll be in your leadership roll.


Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication and it involves the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. Why do we do things in that way? How do we see the world? Why do we react in that particular way?

Cultural awareness becomes central when we have to interact with people from other cultures. People see, interpret and evaluate things in a different ways. What is considered an appropriate behavior in one culture is frequently inappropriate in another one. Misunderstandings arise when I use my meanings to make sense of your reality.




It' vital to understand the optimal way to relate to Romanians, in order to be successfull in your management work. The 8 main AREAS of CULTURAL DIFFERENCES  that we put together focus at the beginning of coaching  this journey are:













I traveled in 33 countries, living in 4, with residence in 2 right now and working with people from 20 cultures, so I understand your need to adapt fast, efficient and obtain fast results in your new mission.

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Go Team



The faster you understand and adapt to the new culture, the bigger your personal and professional successes will be.




Main results you could have:


1.Start your mission in Romania with the understanding that expats usually gain at the end of their journey.​



2.Quickly acclimate yourself to living and leading abroad.



3.​Offer spouses great guidance in finding a job or integrating in a network in the new country.







You could start the coaching program, on-line, with 2-3 months  before arriving in Romania,then the immersion will be smoother and the adaptation faster.




Even if someone is a seasoned expat, the move to a new community requires an adjustment. It can be overwhelming - and lead an expatriated manager,  to lose sight of personal and professional goals.






Expat life&business  coaches may offer professional coaching on a variety of fronts or they may focus on a specific area, such as understanding the foreign culture and specificity of  business environment.






Expat life& business  coach may offer  great guidance also for spouses, who needs to find a job or to integrate in a network in the new country:


  • Help with planning the settling in professionally and or socially . 

  • Cultural differences: learning the language, adjusting to customs and traditions. 

  • Business-related professional coaching: setting goals, achieving success, building networks.

People from these companies  enjoy good  benefits, from  our coaching together:

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